Sun, Oct 23
|Sundays for 8 weeks via Zoom for 60 mins.
Miracle-Minded Forgiveness Masterclass
Join us in an immersive 8 week experience of Miracle-Minded Forgiveness!
Time & Location
Oct 23, 2022, 7:00 PM – Dec 11, 2022, 7:00 PM
Sundays for 8 weeks via Zoom for 60 mins.
About the Event
Miracle-minded Forgiveness is the bridge to help close the gap between you and Divinity.
We’re here to eliminate that false idea of separation and restore you to Wholeness by teaching you ancient truths and best practices regarding soul rejuvenation.
Through an anointed eight week journey you will be immersed in a culmination of both Eastern and Western practices including:
- An exclusive Rapid Transformational Therapy session freeing you from the root causes of separation in your own life.
- Intoduction to Non-duality.
- Lessons from A Course in Miracles, and much more.
Through these practices you will:
- clear your mind of guilt, fear, and victimhood
- create space to perceive others through the eyes of Love
- gain clarity to create and live your highest potentials
If God is the Sun, You are the Rays; extensions of Divinity. This is the state we are called to dwell in for eternity. This state is where we were intended to Be, where Miracles occur daily, where your highest and best exist with ease, where you experience Heaven on Earth.
A miracle is a shift in perception from fear to love, from past and future, to this Holy instant we call “Now.”
We cannot wait to walk this Path with you on your way to Freedom, Miracles, and Ascension. Bless You and see You soon!
Masterclass Facilitators
Steven Tsonos
Master in Miracle-Minded Forgiveness and Nonduality
Initiated in Kriya Yoga
In-person trainings with Rupert Spira
Several monthlong trips to Thailand involving volunteer work, living in Buddhist temples, retreats and times of self-reflection
Received a hug from Amma, The Hugging Saint
Experienced multiple Gazings from the Faith healers, Braco, and Mother Meera
Devoted student of A Course in Miracles, Rupert Spira, and Paramahansa Yogananda
JoJo Mikolazyk
Through my own recovery journey, coupled with a life-long work of transformation and survivorship, I present a fresh, unique, and inspirational perspective.
In addition to being a Masters Level Social Worker with several years in the clinical field and decades in Experiential Healing work, a client will typically receive a bundle modality unique to my personal practices and intuitional insight, including but not limited to:
Rapid Transformational Therapy; RTT
Hypnotherapy; C.Hyp.
Quantum Energy best practices
Physiology Techniques
NeuroLinguistic Programming
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Motivational Interviewing
Silva Ultramind Techniques
Image Streaming
Remote Healing
Over the past decade I’ve had the honor of studying directly under the leadership of Tony Robbins, Joe Dispenza, Marisa Peer, & Vishen Lakhiani; in addition to applying countless other incredible pioneers’ work in the healing arts and consciousness proficient arenas, such as Dr. David Hawkins, Drunvalo Melchizedek, and Rupert Spira. You can read my most recent published book - "Ascension Diary: Love Letters to God, and You" for a deeper dive.
Ascension Together Masterclass
$277.00Sale ended